Thursday 30 July 2009

DS Improve, non-photorealistic real-time 3D models for decision-support

Just run into the work of a 3D architectural company called DS Improve, with the goal of bringing to the urban planning and construction industry an efficient and flexible tool which constitutes an alternative to traditional scale models. DS Improve recreates virtually the area of interest and takes care of the real estate project’s integration into the existing area. DS Improve also provides the internally developed custom technology as well as the high-end visualization hardware & display setup to present the real estate project in the best conditions, enabling free movement and observation of the elements of interest from different points of view.

What I mostly found interesting about their work however is how they are using (almost exclusively it seems) non-photorealistic rendering for their website showcases... Some nice bird's eye view cartoon-rendered can be found on their site (posted a couple of pics above). Check them (and their very cool NPR urban visualizations) out here.

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