Tuesday 26 June 2007

iPhone and GPS capabilities...

As it is known, and despite initial rumours, Apple scrapped the idea of integrating GPS capabilities to their soon-to-be-launched (in the US anyway) iPhone device, a device expected to lead the revolution of convergent technologies in the mobile world. However, a new rumour (which is even more controversial than their earlier decision not to have a GPS) suggests that there will be a second version of the device in 2008, probably due out at Macworld or early spring, which will incorporate a GPS receiver using assisted GPS technology (where location data is gathered from mobile phone masts as well as satellites for a faster fix on the iPhone’s position).

While there could be a long discussion as to how bad a move that could potentially be (it's a decision that has been repeated by other companies in the past, with often catastrophic results, think Nintento DS/DS-Lite) it is very interesting to see how soon an iPhone with a GPS will be available in the market as it will open up the door for a range of new research ideas and innovative applications...

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