Saturday 10 October 2009

BBC 4 Micro Men film drama

A few days ago I watched the excellent BBC 4 Micro Men film drama detailing the ascendance to fame of the Spectrum and Acorn home computers. It's the story of wild ambition, technological revolution, global success, jealousy, revenge, crushing failure and ultimate reconciliation that shaped the British games industry in the 1980s, and its main protagonists, Clive Sinclair and Chris Curry, have both raided the data banks to guide BBC Four's retelling in a one-off comedy drama.

You can watch this now on the BBC iPlayer, a captivating watch for anyone interested in historical computing and worth alone for the scene where Clive Sinclair, frustrated by the strong focus of the public on games for the Spectrum starts railing against the classic Jet Set Willy title!

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